添加时间:2020-06-27 17:49:05
LUV-30(黄色)荧光增强防护眼镜, LUV-20紫外防护眼罩保护眼睛,可防止高强度紫外线辐射,满足ANSI(美国标准协会)Z87.1及OSHA(美国职业安全及健康管理机构)1910.133关于眼睛保护的安全规范。其中LUV-30(T黄色)带有荧光增强功能。
LUV-10 Spectacles, LUV-20Goggles and LUV-80 Faceshield Operating Manual
Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear
Eyewear block ultraviolet radiation while providing optimumcontrast in viewing and lessened eye fatigue. The LUV-20 Goggles have air ventsthat are located on each side of the goggles to allow air flow while blockingthe ultraviolet radiation. The LUV-10 Spectacles are lightweight and fitcomfortably on the face, even over prescription glasses. Side arm panels giveadditional eye protection. The LUV-80 Faceshield covers the neck and face area.
The eyewear are intended to protect theeyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation emitted from UV lamps.The eyewear isdesigned for eye protection from lamps emitting wavelengths of 254nm to 365nm(nanometers).These Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear also reduce longwave ultraviolet“blue haze” for optimum viewing.
For exposure periods other than eight hours or for ultravioletwavelength emissions other than 254nm to 365nm, consult Document HSM 73-11009“Criteria for a Recommended Standard ... Occupational Exposure to UltravioletRadiation published by the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare.”
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